quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2020

Calendário - National Holidays - INGLÊS

   Olá queridos! Eis aqui os principais feriados que constam no calendário. Alguns são datas FIXAS, ou seja, ocorrem no mesmo DIA todos os anos. Outros são datas MÓVEIS, ou seja, mudam em relação ao DIA e até MÊS, como por exemplo o Carnaval e Semana Santa.
   Esta pesquisa eu fiz há mais de 8 anos para elaborar a ficha de aula e foi no Wikipédia, dessa forma aparecem muitas palavras sublinhadas e em azul o que caracteriza que é um LINK e que ao clicar você abrirá outra página com maiores informações.

National holidays

Date >> English name >>> Portuguese name >>>> Remarks
January 1 >> New Year's Day >>> Ano Novo >>>> Celebrates the beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. Festivities include counting down to midnight on the preceding night. Traditional end of the holiday season.
February or March
date varies) >> Carnival and Ash Wednesday >>> Carnaval e Quarta-feira de Cinzas >>>> A festive season (Carnival) leading up to Shrove. Closes with Ash Wednesday (40 days before Easter, except Sundays), which starts the lent in the Christian liturgical year.
Late March or April
date varies) >> Good Friday >>> Sexta-feira Santa >>>> Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
April (date varies) >> Easter >>> Páscoa >>>> Celebrates the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus.
April 21 >> Tiradentes' Day >>> Tiradentes >>> Commemoration of an early movement for Brazilian independence, headed by Tiradentes.
May 1 >> Labor Day >>> Dia do Trabalho >>>> Celebrates the achievements of workers and the labor movement.
Late May or June
date varies) >> Corpus Christi >>> Corpus Christi >>>> Its purpose is to honor the Eucharist, and as such it does not commemorate a particular event in Jesus' life.
September 7 >> Independence Day >>> Dia da Independência >>>> Celebrates the Declaration of Independence, also called the Seventh of September.
October 12 >> Our Lady of Aparecida >>> Nossa Senhora Aparecida >>>>Commemorates the Virgin Mary as Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida, Patron Saint of Brazil. Also celebrated as Children's Day (Dia das Crianças) on the same date.
November 2 >> All Souls Day >>> Dia de Finados >>>> Commemorates the faithful departed.
November 15 >> Proclamation of the Republic Day >>> Proclamação da República >>>> Commemorates the proclamation of the republic in November 15, 1889.
December 25 >> Christmas Day >>> Natal >>>>Celebrates the Nativity of Jesus.

Public holidays in Brazil

In Brazil, public holidays are legislated at the federal, statewide and municipal levels. Many of these holidays are observed nationwide, but each state and city does have its own holidays as well.
Three national holidays celebrates historic figures and events includes Tiradentes' Day (April 21), Independence Day (September 7), and Proclamation of the Republic Day (November 15). Because of its Catholic majority, Brazil observes eight Christian holidays (Carnival, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter, Corpus Christi, Our Lady of Aparecida Day, All Souls Day, and Christmas).
  • Note: The Constitution establishes that electoral days are to be considered national holidays in Brazil. General elections are held on the first Sunday of October, in the first round, and last Sunday of October, in the second round, of election years (every two years).

Unofficial holidays

  • Dia das Mães, the Brazilian observation of Mother's Day, is celebrated every second Sunday in May.
  • Dia dos Namorados, the Brazilian equivalent of St. Valentine's Day, is observed on June 12. On this day, boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives, exchange gifts, cards or a flower bouquet. It is celebrated on the St. Anthony of Padua's day, because, in Brazil, he is considered the patron of those who want a loving companion.
  • Dia dos Pais, the Brazilian observation of Father's Day, is celebrated every second Sunday in August.
  • Festa de São João (Saint John the Baptist Day) is a holiday celebrated June 24 in many Brazilian cities, especially in the Northeast region.
  • Dia das Bruxas (Halloween) is not an official holiday but is being increasingly celebrated in some of the largest cities on the night of October 31, with costume parties and/or the custom of trick-or-treat. In 2005, some politicians voted for October 31 to be defined as the Dia do Saci, referring to the Saci, a Brazilian folklore legend, and aiming to preserve national culture from non-positive alien cultural influences such as Halloween.

Regional holidays

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
January 1 - New Year's Day
February (variable date) - Carnival (Mardi Gras)
March/April (variable date) - Good Friday
March/April (variable date) Easter
April 21 - Tiradentes Day
May 1 - Labor Day
June (variable date) - Corpus Christi
September 7 - Independence Day
October 12 - Our Lady Of Aparecida Day
November 2 - All Souls’ Day
November 15 - Proclamation of the Republic
December 25 – Christmas

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